Tuesday, November 16, 2010

'Bruisers' - Blue Team BC Camp 2010

November the 12th - 14th was the weekend of the BC camp. Camp Re'treat' was the theme. To have time away to rest and be restored, ready to complete the year on a high with our Lord.

Our very first post from this weekend comes to you from the Blue team, called 'Bruisers'.

The birth of the "Blue Bruisers" with face paint and bandana's alike, it was reminiscent of a scene from the Mel Gibson blockbuster hit movie 'Braveheart'. The only difference was that swords were replaced by water guns and war cries taken over by team chants. However the passion to win all the spoils to the victor was very much still alive. Whoever said the theme for this was 'REST' obviously did not take into account 'Dodge Ball'. All that aside the friendly team banter was a great way to break barriers between the young and old. The sounds of hugging and puffing were quickly taken over by sounds of joy and laughter. Team challenges were a hit throughout the weekend. It wasn't about winning, it was all about fun. Mark Tele'a

It was requested that this year's camp was to be more relaxing and fun as opposed to the more intense - filled programmes that we were used to. And that is exactly what we were given. Our great leadership team yielded and camp up with an awesome programme that incorporated rest, fun , retreat and reflection in every aspect of the programme.
Matt 11:28-30 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden; I will give you rest...

The above reading shared during one of the devotions, stood out for me the most for it epitomized and emphasized the very theme of our weekend getaway.

I came away from camp having been restored, refreshed, rejuvenated and revived to carry on with the remainder of this year....and I'm sure this feeling was mutually shared by all. Aloema Fainu'u

Going to BC camp for my first time was AWESOME! Morning devotions, games, swim, FOOD, everything on that weekend was 'O' for awesome. My highlight of the whole three days was going to the beach for the morning devotion collecting shells representing members of our families was great. It was a really great time of rest and retreating. For those of us who were carrying heavy loads...God will give us REST! Leauma Uelese

Attention, attention wake up time is 9am!! A ripple of 'Hooray' echoes throughout the room (me included sshhh) Saturday morning the sun penetrates through our cabin with no thought of getting up but just resting. "Come on Aunty, we're going to the beach and you have to come". I get ready and walk down the road with the others and what a blessing this was. The sheer beauty and stillness of that morning was absolute perfection, and truly felt God's presence and power in just being there. We were asked to collect shells representing each member of our family and with both hands needed to hold onto the shells Maroroa had collected, we were to pray for each person. With our family circle planted in the sand upright and firm we prayed for each one, thanking God for our family. Thank you Jesus for my family. Teiho Tengaru

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It is well

It is well is a well loved hymn over a century in age. Bibleclass led our morning service on the 31st October 2010 where they shared about the author of this hymn. Horatio Spafford is the man who wrote this hymn, his past was one full of adversity. His life story is an inspiration to Christians. The following was a summary that was shared at the end of our servic.

Because God can work all things for good, we can have peace knowing that good will come even under bad circumstances - adversity. Horatio’s grief was so great, a son lost to scarlet fever, 4 daughters drowned and lost at sea...yet he holds fast to his life line - as written in this hymn
‘ though trials should come,
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
and hath shed his own blood for my soul.

Today, Horatio Spafford reminds us that we can also sing ‘ It is well with my soul because . . .
1) God is in control.
2) All things work together for good.
3) Trouble is only temporary.
4) Salvation is for all.
The end result is victory.