Monday, March 11, 2013

Welcome to the Kindy Department

Greetings in and through the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Welcome to the Kindy Department 2013.  We have 6 dedicated teaching staff who are Fa'anape, Ria, Finau, Lele, Fa and Ali'itasi and we have a roll of up to 25 children from 0 years old to 5 years old.  Check out our short movie to see all our beautiful faces - check out our new babies they're so cute! We are so excited about sharing all the cool things we are going to learn this year.  Share the Love and please leave a comment for the Kindy Department
Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Young girl - arise! Talitha Club has started!

Talitha Club has started for the year tonight! A steady flow of beautiful girls entered the Tamaki PIC hall adorned with pink flowers, clothing and jewlwery for our opening night. We had 31 in total which is a record for Talitha in it's 3rd year of operation. A highlight were 5 young girls from our Glen Innes community who were brought along by friends in Talitha PLUS our new members who have just turned 8! Tina Lealofi shared a lovely message with us about the woman and her alabaster jar of expensive perfume. Matthew 26:7 a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. As Tina read 5 of the girls acted out this story. Message for the year from this 'Let us be sweet fragrances for our Lord' - 'Be a sweet smelling perfume'. This message was followed by a beautiful high tea prepared by the Talitha leaders. Competition was on - the three teams had an activity involving butterflies and calendars to complete in only 10 minutes! The SenTees won this comp - securing 100 points, this being the start of year long challenge. Photos and video to come soon girls. In the meantime - this is homework: post here what you enjoyed about this evening and what you're looking forward to doing this year as part of Talitha. Young girl - I tell you - ARISE!!' Next club night - Tuesday 9th April.