A sea of white flowed through our church doors and filled our pews. Beautiful singing was to be heard...all coming from what seemed an endless line of beautiful children. Boys and girls, strutting their stuff in their newest white clothing. A scene certainly to make any parent happy and reminded of the precious gift we have in children.
This year's service had so many different and valuable messages for parents and families alike. Stories of creation, the tempting of Jesus, Joseph and Jephthah were presented to us today by our children. Some made us smile, laugh and cry as we received and reflected on their messages.
Well done to all our children, teachers, Tama and Tina who prepared another uplifting White Sunday for us all to enjoy and grow from. We hope you had an enjoyable lunch with family and friends. God's blessings be upon us all as we venture into the last few months of the year.
Ia manuia outou matua, ae ola matou le fanau. Ia soifua ona o Iesu.