Sunday, August 19, 2012

T for Team work!

After I for interaction we have arrived at T for Team work.  Talitha members were treated to an evening packed with activities, Bible verses and fun related to team work.  We even had a chance to work out a cheerleading routine to practice the skills required in effective teamwork.  It was great to see those specially talented in dancing and choreography take charge and lead the way.  The video show you our two groups in action.  Well done girls.  Remember that we're all part of Christ's body, all parts are important!

1 Corinthians 12: 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.


  1. Funtastic evening ladies! So neat how you got your team task and go straight into it! No layers to peel back...

    Look forward to our next session girls. Baby-Tees are preparing our next evening, give you a's going to start with H. Look forward it to girls. Any girls 8 years and older welcome.

  2. Awesome work T for Talitha! Great to see you young women enjoying each others company and even better doing it together for our Almighty Lord. Keep up the great work and continue to use your different talents/functions. Loved the videos girls!

  3. Hi guys

    that look like a lot of fun. Did you enjoy? T for Talitha and Teamwork they are good words you guys are using keep it up!
    God Bless!

  4. Woohoo Girls rock! Thank you Talitha for showing us your m for moves :). Awesome to see you all having fun, and I can see future Warrior cheerleaders in you all, especially Trina :)

    Keep rocking for our Lord!
    I can't wait to see what cool things you do next in Talitha!

    God Bless,

  5. Wow That was an amazing time. Talitha is just full of experience.

    God Bless Talitha!!

  6. WOW TALITHA club it looks like u had fun.
    I wish I made it that TALITHA!!!!!!!
    That look so fun I'm sad I did not make it!!!!
    :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

    1. No worries Norietta, next week is our next night. Hopefully you can make it. xx

  7. Wow
    Talithians that looked amazing I love how you did T-T is for Team Work!
    Well Done to all groups and I really enjoyed all of them :0
    Well Done I couldn't make it because Me My Family and I were really busy sorry

  8. ooh I forgot to go Talitha that night but luckily I was watching the video of yous dancing it would'nt been fun if I was there but to bad I miss out.
