Friday, February 8, 2013

Sunday School is ON!

Sunday School starts this week! It's great to hear about all you've been doing in the break. We hope to bring you some stories soon from different parts of our parish. In the meantime, please help get the news out that we're starting this Sunday - 10th March. 9.30am in the hall - get ready for a year of exciting learning together. Your teachers have met and already planning some fun events - Gala Days, Day Out, Fun Days and more. See you on Sunday!


  1. Woo hoo - can't wait to see you all. You are very welcome to bring your friends along to Sunday School too. It's for anyone :)

  2. Looking forward to what God has planned for kids at Tamaki PIPC. The lessons look cool! God bless :)

  3. Since i have been to sunday school i have had an awesome teacher....I have already remembered the whole story from Matthew 6:5-15 and also 19-34 its really awesome to have teachers like them..God bless everyone

  4. YAY sunday school is back on!!!!!!!

    Cant wait to see you guys

  5. Welcome to a new year of learning. I am looking forward to 2013 and also meeting my new teachers, 'Bob n Emma.' It's time to get studying ! WO-HOO!!!! I just praise God to give you all the strength and knowledge. Good luck for this year. AIM HIGH! So you can worry about the little things and 'your unseen father will reward you.'

    God Bless!
