Friday, April 25, 2014

Palm Sunday Fun Day

Julia concentrating on her marble throw

Sia, Siauli and Toreka forming their
Human pyramid.

Toreka encouraging her team

Tanielu's team searching for the 10 green marbles

Greetings in and through the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  To celebrate Easter, our Sunday School had a Palm Sunday Fun day and dressed up in green.  We began the day at 9:30 with Hot cross buns and milo - and we sure had a lot of early birds turn up ready to have lots of fun.  Then, we split into our 3 departments - Junior, Middle and Senior departments.  In the Junior department the children enjoyed some fun chocolate egg and spoon races then created some beautiful palm leaf chocolate cupcakes..yum, yum.  Our Middle department had a variety of activities like Pictionary, Palm Sunday quiz and even flax weaving - How cool is that!  And the Senior Department were split into small teams for The Amazing Race.
Overall we all had a fantastic time learning collaboratively and actively about our Lord and Saviours triumphant entrance into Jeruselem.  Sunday School, please tell me what you enjoyed most about Palm Sunday - we would love to hear your feedback.

Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Matthew 21:9


  1. Hey sunday school,

    Palm Sunday was sure fun! Playing games and enjoying ourselves. But it wasn't only about games, it was celebrating Palm Sunday. It was very fun.
    I hope we have a blessed year!

  2. That was sure a FUN day, it was a great way to celebrate Palm Sunday, It was also great to see everyone enjoying themselves, sorry for the late comments, Thanks.
