Here are a few shots from the evening. Pray that you stay well and safe as we prepare to greet the New Year. You are very welcome to post comments sharing about your Christmas. We'd love to read all about it.
Welcome to Tamaki PIPC Kids blogspot! PIPC stands for Pacific Islanders Presbyterian Church and we are the Tamaki branch, situated in the east Auckland suburb of Glen Innes. The posts you see and read here are based upon the life & times, the idea's, work & thoughts of our children and our church. It is our prayer that anything you see and read here, be a blessing to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Saviour, Amen.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas Eve @ Tamaki
christmas service,
Monday, December 24, 2012
Rev Wayne
The Moderator of the Te Aka Puaho (Maori Synod) the Right Rev Wayne Manaaki Rihari Te Kaawa visited our parish last week and led our morning service. He gave an address in favour of the recommendations from the PI Synod Task Group report in the recent General Assembly.
Those present in the Tamaki service loved his knowledge around our connected history via our people and the waka Takitimu. We learnt that it was built in Samoa and also another waka that there was another built in the Cook Islands - Aitutaki. This alongside sharing of his upbringing and experiences were well received as many parts of this sermon we could relate there was a lot of laughter and smiles to be seen.
We pray a blessing upon Rev Te Kaawa and all the ministers in the Maori synod. People who work as volunteers in the work of ministering and leading of people to Christ, supporting themselves through jobs such as truck driving and chaplaincy...inspiring stories to be greatly encouraged by. Thank you for sharing with us on this day Rev Wayne Te Kaawa. Kia Ora. Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou
Those present in the Tamaki service loved his knowledge around our connected history via our people and the waka Takitimu. We learnt that it was built in Samoa and also another waka that there was another built in the Cook Islands - Aitutaki. This alongside sharing of his upbringing and experiences were well received as many parts of this sermon we could relate there was a lot of laughter and smiles to be seen.
We pray a blessing upon Rev Te Kaawa and all the ministers in the Maori synod. People who work as volunteers in the work of ministering and leading of people to Christ, supporting themselves through jobs such as truck driving and chaplaincy...inspiring stories to be greatly encouraged by. Thank you for sharing with us on this day Rev Wayne Te Kaawa. Kia Ora. Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou
maori synod moderator,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Grades 5, 6 and 7 service on Obedience
The theme of our Family Service last week was “OBEDIENCE to God”.
This was based on well-known biblical stories of Abraham, Moses and our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Grades 5, 6 & 7 demonstrated through these
Biblical heroes that regardless of the situation they were in or the
difficulties they faced, they were always obedient to God. This was all
summed up in the class song ‘I love to love you Lord’ by Ron Kenoly.
Obedience was also witnessed amongst our audience through our BF Obstacle Course taken out by Ray and Norietta. In addition, we were treated with an item under the leadership of Aloema by 7 of these students which together formed ‘7th Heaven’ and performed their first item ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’.
A special thank you to the families of Grade 5, 6 & 7
SandS - Sure and Steadfast. Tamaki Boys Group
Boys group has started! It was small but certainly exciting first gathering for the boys a Tamaki PIPC. Tama joined in for the evening with devotion, singing and a time of fellowship. The following Sunday, all boys and leaders were invited on stage to be prayed over and blessed - launch of the boys group! The name they've decided to go with is 'SandS'. This stands for S - Sure and S - Steadfast, which is the boys group motto. You'll find that this is the motto for the Boys Brigade that many young boys and men in the past PIC have been a part of.
Looking forward to the new year and what it holds for this group. God bless!
boys group,
sure and steadfast,
tamaki boys group,
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Be Thankful
Following on from Grades 3 & 4 study on Thanksgiving, here is a short film made by and starring Grade 3 & 4. Can you guess which well known story this is? Post your answers below as well as what you think of these talented actors.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Grade 3 & 4 students have been learning about festivals.
Last Sunday we studied the American festival of Thanksgiving Day and the reason behind it.
Thanksgiving Day this year falls on Thursday 22nd November and was first celebrated in 1863 when the great American President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."
Thanksgiving Day is usually celebrated with a big meal (traditionally roast turkey) and thinking about the things we should be thankful for.
Here are my top 3 things I am thankful for.
1. God sent His son Jesus to die for me
2. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and good friends.
3. I have food in the cupboard and clean water to drink.
What are your top 3 things to be thankful for? Post on here and the best post will be awarded a prize on Sunday at the Grade 5, 6 & 7 family service. Entries will close at 10.00 am on Friday morning.
You must be there on Sunday to claim your prize.
Looking forward to your posts!
Last Sunday we studied the American festival of Thanksgiving Day and the reason behind it.
Thanksgiving Day this year falls on Thursday 22nd November and was first celebrated in 1863 when the great American President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."
Thanksgiving Day is usually celebrated with a big meal (traditionally roast turkey) and thinking about the things we should be thankful for.
Here are my top 3 things I am thankful for.
1. God sent His son Jesus to die for me
2. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and good friends.
3. I have food in the cupboard and clean water to drink.
What are your top 3 things to be thankful for? Post on here and the best post will be awarded a prize on Sunday at the Grade 5, 6 & 7 family service. Entries will close at 10.00 am on Friday morning.
You must be there on Sunday to claim your prize.
Looking forward to your posts!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
NZ SSU Prize Giving 2012
Congratulations to all our special place winners at our NZ SSU prize giving last week. They were Jordenne Eteuati, Hossanah Setefano, Legatasia O'Brien, Lamepa Laufili, Neta Setefano, Josie Mate, Teiho Tengaru and Andrea Tele'a.
Congratulations also the entire Sunday School as all our efforts collectively won us 2nd place overall in division A as well as 2nd place in the arts'n crafts competition. Well done to you all. We were encouraged throughout the evening about the blessings that come to those who keep sitting the exams year after year. Committing His word to memory and then walking it out is the difference. Don't stop - keep going! Teachers your work matters :)
scripture examinations,
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Renewal by the Holy Spirit. BC service
The service was based upon the renewal we can receive via the Holy Spirit. Psalm 51:7-12. Received well by our parish and ourselves who delivered - thank you so much Lord for your Holy Spirit. Our comforter our friend. Our intercessor, our messenger and so much more!
Well done BC, the Holy Spirit led you. Be conscious of His Presence always!
Holy Spirit,
tamaki bible class,
tamaki pipc
Camp Spirit
Camp Spirit. Praise be to God for a successful camp in which we learned about the Holy Spirit and it's many duties and gifts towards us. The BC campers were a refreshing group to be around. Anything that was on offer during camp was an opportunity where all members took no backward step in taking. A real sense of spiritual growth and understanding was evident.
King David's Psalm 51 was a story we talked a lot about. Especially where David cries out to the Lord
Create in me a clean heart oh Lord
And renew a right spirit in me
Cast me not away from thy presence
Take not thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
And renew a right spirit within me.
Hopefully our BC members will comment on this post so you get to hear what they personally enjoyed of Camp Spirit. Praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit that helps us to 'Recalculate'. "It's going to take a litte longer...but we'll get there"
Create in me a clean heart oh Lord
And renew a right spirit in me
Cast me not away from thy presence
Take not thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
And renew a right spirit within me.
Hopefully our BC members will comment on this post so you get to hear what they personally enjoyed of Camp Spirit. Praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit that helps us to 'Recalculate'. "It's going to take a litte longer...but we'll get there"
bc camp,
camp spirit,
kind david,
psalm 51,
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Lotu a Tamaiiti 2012
Today we are reminded of the precious gift we have in children. Many happy children, parents, grandparents and families enjoyed the Lotu a Tamaiti at Tamaki PIPC.
It was service that had so many different and valuable messages. I think this has been a year with the least tears from nervous children! Shows the great job parents and teachers have put into preparing the children for their items today.
Some made us smile, laugh and cry as we received and reflected on their messages. Well done to all our children, teachers, Tama and Tina who prepared another uplifting White Sunday for us all to enjoy and grow from. We hope you had an enjoyable lunch with family and friends. God's blessings be upon us all as we venture into the last few months of the year.
Ia manuia outou matua, ae ola matou le fanau. Ia soifua ona o Iesu.
There will be more video to come, we've posted this early for those of you we can see already wanting to post about today's lotu a tamaiiti. Well done on being so eager to share the love!
Lotu Tamaiiti,
samoa lotu,
tamaki pic,
tupulaga samoa,
White Sunday
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tamaki Treasure Hunters!
Sunday the 23rd of September is the day that Grade 3 & 4 had been waiting for!
After weeks of learning how to plot and create maps, make up clues and codes and create a treasure hunt it was time for their skills to be put to the test in the annual Grade 3 & 4 treasure hunt.
The kids were split into 2 teams with Team 1 appointing RJ as their captain, and Team 2 selecting Jordenne as their leader. Clues were a combination of picture clues, secret codes and ciphers, riddles and the good old - X marks the spot - on the treasure map which each team were given.
A little bit of rain on the day didn't dampen the kids enthusiasm and in fact made the hunt more exciting. The race was on to find all 10 clues and the treasure at the end. In the end Team 1 won by a mere 30 seconds over Team 2 finding the treasure spot first and collecting the bounty! Well done Grades 3 & 4.
As we have been learning we should have the same excitement when looking through Gods Word as we do when we have our fun treasure hunts.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Mat 6: 21
After weeks of learning how to plot and create maps, make up clues and codes and create a treasure hunt it was time for their skills to be put to the test in the annual Grade 3 & 4 treasure hunt.
The kids were split into 2 teams with Team 1 appointing RJ as their captain, and Team 2 selecting Jordenne as their leader. Clues were a combination of picture clues, secret codes and ciphers, riddles and the good old - X marks the spot - on the treasure map which each team were given.
A little bit of rain on the day didn't dampen the kids enthusiasm and in fact made the hunt more exciting. The race was on to find all 10 clues and the treasure at the end. In the end Team 1 won by a mere 30 seconds over Team 2 finding the treasure spot first and collecting the bounty! Well done Grades 3 & 4.
As we have been learning we should have the same excitement when looking through Gods Word as we do when we have our fun treasure hunts.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Mat 6: 21
NRL Fun Day - Sunday 30th September
Don't forget kids, next Sunday will be a Sunday School Fun Day!
Because we have a lot of rugby league fans here and because Sunday the 30th of September is the day of the NRL Grand Final, our theme will be - NRL teams. Make sure you come with some sort of NRL team attire - jersey, shorts, jackets caps or scarves. There will be fun games prepared by the teachers and spot prizes for those who wear their gears.
See you on Sunday!
Because we have a lot of rugby league fans here and because Sunday the 30th of September is the day of the NRL Grand Final, our theme will be - NRL teams. Make sure you come with some sort of NRL team attire - jersey, shorts, jackets caps or scarves. There will be fun games prepared by the teachers and spot prizes for those who wear their gears.
See you on Sunday!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Grade 3 & 4 Treasure Hunters!
Over the last month, Grades 3 and 4 have been studying and learning that Gods word is like treasure for us. The combined classes have been looking at the theme of treasure and how Gods word is precious and valuable and should be highly sought after.
Our studies will culminate this coming Sunday with the annual Grade 3 & 4 Treasure Hunt! This afternoon (Thursday) Grade 3 & 4 teachers Ray and Logo were spotted planning and plotting for the big event in and around the church grounds. I hope you are ready Grades 3 & 4 because Sunday will be a lot of fun. The 2 classes have had a bit of time and practice with a couple of smaller treasure hunts the past 2 weeks but they will need all their wits, smarts and even courage to make it to the end of what will be an exhilarating search for clues to the all important 'treasure' on Sunday.
See you on Sunday!
Ray and Logo.
The Word, cupcakes and children
Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Yes indeed - sweet to the soul!
The Beginners and Grade 1 had a wonderful time making cupcakes - but wait there's more! Alongside the fun task of baking and decorating were challenges to recite the books of the Bible in order and also a devotion based upon the verse quoted above. Grades 11 and 12 were the teachers on hand this day and had the task of leading their small group of bakers. It was an opportunity for these older students to get a taste of teaching.
At the end of the session it was clear that the lesson was a winner with the all members smiling and presenting their beautifully decorated cupcakes to their special person.
Special thanks to Pareu and Teiho for the organising and delivering this memorable lesson. More fun times to come children!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Holy Spirit Thou Art welcome in this place!
BC, Monday 10th September 2012. Cast me not away from thy presence oh Lord, take not your Holy Spirit from me...
We studied various verses from the Bible that outlined different aspects of the Holy Spirit. After reading verses below we had to create a picture of what we had read using coloured paper. The Holy Spirit is so so great yet so personal and helpful in all our times need, despair, joy and happiness! Thank you Lord for the truths that we sang, spoke and shared about!
Genesis 1:1-2
King James Version (KJV)
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Joel 2:28-29
King James Version (KJV)
28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
Isaiah 11:1-2
King James Version (KJV)
11 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;
baking Bible Class,
Holy Spirit,
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Tala Lelei Service
On Sunday 9th September, the Samoan Women's fellowship together with some young girls presented a family service celebrating the arrival of Christianity into Samoa (Tala Lelei). Please watch and enjoy the lovely singing, dancing and drama presented by these wonderful women of God.
Tala Lelei
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Happy Fathers Day 2012
Sunday 2nd September was a very special day, it was Fathers Day! The lovely children from the beginners and Grade 1 had created beautiful Fathers day cards.
Thank you Fathers for everything!
Love from all the Staff and children in the Sunday School.
Thank you Fathers for everything!
Love from all the Staff and children in the Sunday School.
Fathers day,
Grade 1
Monday, August 27, 2012
August Family Service
Following the amazing service of the Olympic games was the afternoon Samoan service. Here are some highlights of some of our beautiful Sunday school children dancing and singing. To God be the Glory!
August family service,
Sunday School
The Olympic Games 2016
Here are some video highlights from this months service on Sunday 26th August - 'Running the race service'. Thank you to all the talented students, especially the synchronized swimming team for an inspirational and fantastic service. May God bless you all for your great works. Keep running the race as to win the prize - with Christ Jesus!
God's race,
run the race,
Sunday School
Running the race
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August 26, 2012, Running the race service |
run the race,
Sunday School,
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Tamaki Teachers Retreat Take 2
Today - Saturday 25th August 2012, our Sunday School Teachers gathered at Pt England School to have a good time sharing and learning about ways we can help our students and their families in our ministry as Sunday School Teachers.
A time of singing was led by Bob then devotion time with Ray. Ray's devotion had us sharing about teaching or truths that we now live by - by way of our parents teachings/witness to us. Some amazing stories were told. Then a time of learning some effective ways to deliver lessons. This part was led by Teiho. Part of this was the task of coming with an aim and objective for teaching using an item that Teiho gave you. Some very creative ideas... All you need is a bit of imagination, resources in your immediate surrounding really can be used in teaching!
Ria shared about this very blog that has been in operation since 2009. It's benefits and far reaching ministry through this online space. We heard the voice of students who shared about the blessing of receiving comments on posts and work produced by themselves. Lesson to take from this?? Sunday School is not limited to the hour and a half located on Sunday - it's accessible 24hrs 7 days a week! So let's use this space well! It was encouraging to hear that one of our teachers actually has our blog page as her home page ;)
We put our minds together and thought forward to students who are going to travel through our Sunday School...we were to make a list that answered the question: 'What do we want them to possess when they come to the end of Sunday School?' Many many ideas were shared and so the planning began. In departments we used the lists we made to pick out what we thought would be appropriate to teach and learn about the identified tools/knowledge/practices.
So where did we get to? We now have a curriculum developing from 0 years through to the open class. One where we will refine and shape under the guidance of Tama and our Sunday School leaders. God willing - 2013 will be kicked off with another retreat for all our teachers with a Tamaki Custom made curriculum in hand.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sasa'e Tupulaga Service
On Sunday 5th August the Samoan youth groups from East Auckland gathered together for their annual youth service. The East Auckland youth groups consist of Onehunga PIC, Panmure PIC and Tamaki PIC. Here is a clip of the creative and song performed by Tamaki PIC.
E sili lava oe,
Onehunga PIC,
Panmure PIC,
tamaki pic
Kindy Olympics 2012
"Go, go, go, you can do it". The cool kindy kids have had so much fun in their very own Kindy Olympics. They had competed in some exciting events such as, The sack race, Balloon race, Tug of War and much much more. Our memory verse for the day was from Phillipians 4:13, 'I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me'. Well done Kindy kids. Keep running towards the prize!
Kindy Olympics,
tamaki pic
Sunday, August 19, 2012
T for Team work!
After I for interaction we have arrived at T for Team work. Talitha members were treated to an evening packed with activities, Bible verses and fun related to team work. We even had a chance to work out a cheerleading routine to practice the skills required in effective teamwork. It was great to see those specially talented in dancing and choreography take charge and lead the way. The video show you our two groups in action. Well done girls. Remember that we're all part of Christ's body, all parts are important!
1 Corinthians 12: 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
1 Corinthians 12: 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
girls group,
team work for girls
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Grade 5 Olympics
In the spirit of the London Olympics 2012, Grade 5 joined in on the fun from the one and only Tamaki Arena, Glen Innes. Like in the actual Olympics, Grade 5 students had separate male and female events. These events included 100m sprints (won by Makayla), judo (Julia), discus (Canaan), gymnastics (Loia), basketball (Iavana), cycling (Hosannah) and boxing (Tui). Below are photos of all our awesome winners.
Philippians 4:13
Philippians 4:13
"I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me."
Colossians 3:17
"Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father."
Glen Innes,
Grade 5,
London 2012,
Olympics 2012,
Sunday School,
tamaki pic
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sunday 29th July grades 11 and 12 of our Sunday School led the morning service. They used lesson 6 from our scripture examinations. It was about Ruth and Naomi who return to Bethlehem after losing their husbands - all they had. Boaz rescues them both from poverty. This is part of the summary read by Lone on the day. It sums up what our items were based upon. LIVING a life of IMPACT - LEAVING a LEGACY!
Ruth had a faith that directly impacted her everyday life and how she lived. Through Naomi, Ruth had learned enough to say “Your God will be my God.”
Your actions are noticed by people, some you do not know are watching. Ruth teaches us that our actions certainly do impact the direction and usefulness of our lives. Not just for ourselves but those around us.
Ruth teaches us that we need be practical in our faith, that we need to be obedient, and that above all, we need to love our neighbor in tangible ways, through simple acts of kindness. If we do, we also will leave a legacy that will have a lasting impact. Know that today you impact the future - what legacy are you creating?
Friday, July 27, 2012
BC Bakers Delight
To help keep the kitchen warm while we study we've taken to baking during our Bible Class evenings. So far we've baked afghans and chocolate chippies. On the menu next may be the making of homemade burgers or creme brulee. We haven't decided which just yet. Alongside our baking we've learnt using verses from Pauls letters to the Romans in chapter 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Using our ingredients we discussed what they tasted like alone, then combined and cooked. In the same way how life's events and experiences can make for bland, salty, sour, sweet, bitter experiences but altogether something grand - something beautiful.
Yes that's right, just like that song...
something beautiful,
something good,
all of my confusion he understood.
All I had to offer him was brokeness and strife
But he made something beautiful out of my life!
All are welcome to attend this coming Monday - be in for a yummy treat and another neat lesson from God's amazing word!
baking Bible Class,
baking teens,
Bible Class,
Christian Youth,
tamaki pic,
tamaki pipc
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Sunday School Exams
A great big hand for all the children who sat the New Zealand Sunday School Union exams today. The children arrived around 8.30am buzzing ready to sit. A positive vibe was in the air, no doubt the Lord delighted in all children spending time in His word to prepare.
Well done kids, studying God's word certainly pleases our Lord. Your commitment to study and prepare yourselves He notices. Pray that you all get the results you aimed for and that in all things, regardless of your placing - God will be given all the glory.
Work hard this week, remember Abraham, Caleb, Joshua, Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. How they walked by FAITH. GOD BLESS!!
Lotsa love from all your teachers xxx
Sunday School exams,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mother's Day Service
This year our Mother's Service was conducted by the beautiful children in the Beginners, Grade 1 and 2 classes. The wonderful children sang like a choir of angels, danced beautifully and performed an amusing play retelling the story of Ruth and Naomi. Thank you to all the children and awesome teachers for a truly memorable and inspiring Mothers Day service. God Bless!
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Mothers Day
Friday, May 4, 2012
Kids say the funniest things
Here is another video clip from the Kindy kids family service called, 'Kids say the funniest things'. Please leave a comment for these cool kids.
Faith hall of fame,
The Faith - Hall of Fame
This months family service was conducted by the adorable Kindy Kids, and their theme was called F.A.I.T.H, which stands for For All I Trust Him. Here are some clips from their play called - The Faith Hall of Fame. Sit back and be entertained by the amazing Kindy kids.
Faith hall of fame,
kindy department
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Gala Day @ Tamaki PIPC
An amazing day for the community of Tamaki PIPC. Thank the Lord for his love shown in many ways today. The beautiful weather, the early risers, the set up crew, the generous customers, super delicious food, creative crafts, pre-loved clothing and items and much much more.
Groups from the community as well as the parish of Tamaki PIPC went all out to fundraise. A special thanks to the people of the GI - Tamaki area, family and friends from across Auckland who came along to support. We really appreciate your help today.
We pray God's blessings upon you all who participated and contributed to our Gala Day. God bless you tenfold for your giving today.
church fundraiser,
Gala day,
tamaki gala day,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Abram in Obedience: Grade 6's Movie Entry
While our entire Sunday School worked on arts and crafts in our church hall...our grade 5 students dressed up and put this movie together. They decided they would enter the movie making part of the competition. We're looking forward to hearing what the judges at NZ SSU think of this. Well done class, you delivered this true story very well. God bless you for sharing in such a way.
Isaac sacrifice,
Sunday School play,
Monday, April 2, 2012
Kindy kids create!
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Vailelei |
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Jordan |
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Dada |
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Leiite |
On Sunday 1st April, our Sunday School held a Creative Arts Day. The Kindy department had alot of fun creating these masterpieces using crayon, felt and paint. Here are the top four art pieces from the Kindy kids.
Well done Kindy kids!
We love your creative art pieces!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Tamaki Children's Choir - Palm Sunday
Here is a beautiful song performed by the Tamaki Children's choir on Palm Sunday.
Hallelujah! Our Jesus is Alive!Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, "Hosanna!"
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!"
"Hosanna in the highest!" Mark 11:9-10 (NIV)
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (NIV)
Palm Sunday,
Tamaki Children's choir
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March Family Service
This month's Samoan family service was conducted by the families from Otara under the leadership of Lemalu. Here are two of their creative dances they performed.
Creative Dance,
Peace Chapel
Sunday, March 25, 2012
No going back
Grade 3 and 4 are the very first classes to lead our monthly family services. This talented group of students lead us in prayer, Bible readings, singing and through a very good play. The play showed us Abram's journey when he was told to leave Haran, land of his relatives and Father to the land God was 'going to show him'. Well done to all the students in this group, you all acted, sang and spoke confidently so that we all got your message loud and clear. No going back!
Abram and Lot,
Abram play,
children lead service,
Family service,
tamaki pic
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
News Flash! - Abram Reports
Breaking news! - Grade 5 Reporters have some amazing findings about God's faithful servant - Abram.
Please watch and enjoy their reports then leave a comment.
Be blessed!
Please watch and enjoy their reports then leave a comment.
Be blessed!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Welcome to Grade 9 for 2012!
Greetings from Grade 9
2012 Sunday School year has started and the students of Grade 9s thirst for God's word and eagerness for homework is a gear changer. Grade 9 has 7 students, and each brings a different quality, a different like & dislike, different strength & learning method and plenty of humour to dynamics of the class. In the 3 weeks of class so far, they have completed comic strips, self-made maps for lesson 1 & dissected lesson 2 into quotes-direct action-direct result table to show that nothing said, done or authorized by our Heavenly Father is without reward for us today.
In God we trust - Leni & Lorraine
Grade 9,
tamaki pipc
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Welcome to Grade 1 for 2012!
Greetings everyone!
This year Grade One is made up of a group of 9 students, 5 lovely, loud and keen young girls, plus 4 polite, quietly spoken but just as competitive young boys.
All of who are looking forward to 2012 and learning about some great and obedient people of the bible such as Abram!
God Bless
Liva and Laki (Grade One Teachers)
Grade 1,
tamaki pic
Welcome to Grade 6 for 2012!
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ
Grade 6 2012 consist of 3 intelligent beautiful young ladies & 6 alsoyoung strong talented young men. Grade 6 has already lost a pupilParis Salu in which she has moved overseas with her family, we wishthem all the very best & hope to see them again one day.Thank you Jesus for once again blessing us with bright individuals wholove to meet every Sunday & discuss your word & teachings.We look forward to sharing postings of Grade 6's activities &discussions & we pray you all enjoy popping through.
Grade 6 2012 consist of 3 intelligent beautiful young ladies & 6 alsoyoung strong talented young men. Grade 6 has already lost a pupilParis Salu in which she has moved overseas with her family, we wishthem all the very best & hope to see them again one day.Thank you Jesus for once again blessing us with bright individuals wholove to meet every Sunday & discuss your word & teachings.We look forward to sharing postings of Grade 6's activities &discussions & we pray you all enjoy popping through.
God Bless Bob & Emma
Grade 6: Toreka Tele'a, Legatasia O'Brien, Josephine Luatua, EreneTuala, Jordan Tele'a, Junior Tulua, Korinito Seuala, Lafoga Rokeni &RJ Sumeo.
Grade 6: Toreka Tele'a, Legatasia O'Brien, Josephine Luatua, EreneTuala, Jordan Tele'a, Junior Tulua, Korinito Seuala, Lafoga Rokeni &RJ Sumeo.
Grade 6,
tamaki pipc
Welcome to Grade 11 for 2012
God Greetings to you all, 2012 has started and Grade 11 with its 6 students is ready to walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT. The class is keen to learn from Abram, Joshua, Caleb, Ruth & Naomi how to live out the theme for Sunday School this year. We look forward to fellowshipping with you all each Sunday. From Grade 11 we PRAY - all the best. 2 Cor 5:7: For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight. God Bless.
grade 11,
tamaki pipc
Welcome to the Open Class for 2012!
Shalom. Welcome to the Open Class of Tamaki PIPC Sunday School. We're a group of talented young men and women who enjoy meeting every Sunday. We've decided this year it's time to get the spiritual milk and do our best to move onto solids. We hope to this through more study, life application and opportunities to serve and act out our Lord's example in our parish, homes and communities.
It's cool to be a Sunday School kid - that's why we're still here! God bless our teachers and our students with many fun learning times this year.
open class,
tamaki pic
Grades 3 & 4 leave Haran for Hebron
Students of grades 3 & 4 from Tamaki PIPC found out all about Abram and Lot's journey from Haran to Hebron. How did they do this? Simple they walked down Pt England Rd, stopped at Te Ao Hou Childcare, then again at Pt England Reserve. All these places represented those in this famous story when Abram was first called by God to 'Go to the place I am going to show you'. All the way down Pt England Rd we followed chalked arrows on the footpath with this verse from God to Abram until we arrived at the sacred tree of Moreh, in Shechem where we built an altar, prayed, set our camp then packed up again stopping at the place between Ai and Bethel. Result - we got to experience some of what Abram may have and now know all the place names and people in lesson one for NZ SSU 2012.
Thanks to the amazing students of Grades 3,4 and 12 for being so open and willing to take part and be part of Abram and Lot's lot on this very sunny day in GI.
Welcome to the Kindy Department for 2012
Greetings to you all in and through the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
The Kindy Department is a very awesome place to be on a Sunday morning. We begin at 9.30 with free play activities then at 10'o'clock we start our Bible lessons, followed by activities then snack time. Finally, we close our session with a round up of the lesson and prayer time.
Our Bible lessons so far have been focussing on God's amazing story of Creation and now we have begun a new series on Noah.
We have up to 30 children attending regularly ranging from the ages 3 months - 5 years old, along with many enthusiastic and helpful parents supporting our kindy.
The Kindy Teachers this year are Nape, Suliana, Ria, Finau and Pamela (Teacher helper).
We look forward to an inspiring and fulfilling year in the Kindy Department.
May God bless our children and the work in our Sunday School,
The Kindy Teachers
The Kindy Department is a very awesome place to be on a Sunday morning. We begin at 9.30 with free play activities then at 10'o'clock we start our Bible lessons, followed by activities then snack time. Finally, we close our session with a round up of the lesson and prayer time.
Our Bible lessons so far have been focussing on God's amazing story of Creation and now we have begun a new series on Noah.
We have up to 30 children attending regularly ranging from the ages 3 months - 5 years old, along with many enthusiastic and helpful parents supporting our kindy.
The Kindy Teachers this year are Nape, Suliana, Ria, Finau and Pamela (Teacher helper).
We look forward to an inspiring and fulfilling year in the Kindy Department.
May God bless our children and the work in our Sunday School,
The Kindy Teachers
Welcome to Grade 2 for 2012
Day 1 for Grade 2 was one of mixed emotion as we bid farewell to Faith who has now moved to Perth in Australia with her family. I'm sure everyone will agree that we will miss having both Faith and Paris around, but at the same time we wish their family all the very best as they start a new journey in Australia.
We have a very cool class made up of 6 boys (Bailey, Izac, Lorenzo, Cyrus, Maroroa and Sam) and 2 girls (Lofi and Imogen). Imogen is Bailey's cousin who lives on the North Shore - that's a pretty good effort!
Our class have designed shields that represented 4 things that were special to them. There were many common themes such as: Family, sports, food, culture and there was even chocolate, fast cars, fishing and money..That's right, we have the next Mr Trump in our class!
In the middle of their shields they had to write a cool slogan that they could look back on over the year for inspiration. Some of the slogans included: 'Do you smell what God is cooking', 'WWGD - What would God do', 'No Pain no gain' and 'God is cool'.
We look forward to the exciting year ahead!
Grade 2,
tamaki pipc
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Welcome to the Beginners Grade for 2012!
Welcome to the Beginners Grade for 2012! This year the Beginners Grade will be sitting their first scripture exam.
The Beginners Grade is taught by Pareu and Rona.
Have a fantastic year.
God Bless
The Beginners Grade is taught by Pareu and Rona.
Have a fantastic year.
God Bless
Beginners Grade
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Talitha Cumi - Young lady, arise!
Rejoice - YEEE HAAHHH they all shout in return as Club Talitha was declared officially open for 2012! A gorgeous group of girls turned up adorned in their pink bits and pieces for our opening night.
Tina - Lealofisa led us in a lovely devotion that touched on many of the things we will endeavor to learn and practice this year. Tina invited Norietta to be a disciple and then her sister Galatia to be Jesus. Galatia had the task of washing Norietta's feet. As this happened Tina pointed out to us the humility, care and love Jesus would have given to this task. How it was normally the job of a slave/servant to perform. It showed of Christ's care for others and making of others important. A special lesson for us all to take much away from.
After a little talk about the gear we'll need every month, Norietta prayed for our session as well as our food. A light meal followed then we moved over to our arts and crafts table where we decorated our own butterflies. On the back of them we have attached our calendar for the year.
Our evening closed with our leaders introducing themselves and the group they care for. Each introduction was met with a noise of rejoicing girls : )
Girls if you are 8 years old and older you are very welcome to join us every Tuesday after Holy Communion. 5.45pm till 8.00pm. Please remind your parents to bring you into the hall and to come back in when it's home time : )
Girls are going to have so much fun! TALITHA CUMI - LITTLE GIRL, YOUNG LADY...ARISE!!
girls club,
Talitha Cumi,
Talitha Tamaki,
Monday, March 5, 2012
Grade 5 Artists
Picasso, Da Vinci, Donatello and Michelangelo are some of the world's most renown atrists. Now meet the up and coming talent of Grade 5.
Exodus 35:35 "He has given them skill
in all kinds of work done by engravers, designers, and weavers...They are able to do
all kinds of work and are skillful designers."
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Grade 5 Artists |
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Loia |
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Makayla |
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Julia |
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Canaan |
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Hosannah |
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Bethany |
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Talofa and greetings everyone from the teachers retreat at Point England School...
Opened with fun and new activities to get the group started...already we are calling each other by their middle names....other cool ideas to help the kids, cross word, food treats, map out journey for the class, its great to share ideas and look at interesting ways of putting the same lesson across to our kids....
This is also my first time writing on our BLOG so feeling pretty happy to get the chance...
Its been an awesome day, thanx to the crew for first half of the its lunch time...master chef Tatupu....
God bless Kereti.
Sunday School,
teachers retreat
TAMAKI PIC 2012 - Grade 8
Talofa and greetings!
This year we have been blessed with four keen spirits, whom we're excited to get to know better and hopefully learn from them, as much as pray they will take away Gods teachings and learn life lessons in a fun, supportive and uplifting environment.
One month in the Sunday School year and we've been pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm and intelligence of Duck, Cow, Dog and Cat :) We've packed our bags for emergencies, comforted ourselves with the love of family, nourishing food and water etc. We look forward to a joyous and inspirational journey with the FAB FOUR and hope 2012 brings many breakthroughs and rewards. May we be lead by Faith and not by sight!
God Bless, Villa and Kereti
Grade 8,
tamaki pic
Talofa lava and welcome to Grade 5 for 2012
On Sunday 4th March, we will be filming our live report from Haran based on Lesson 1 "Abram by faith went" so watch this space.
Back row: Lama, Julia, Loia, Bethany
Front row: Canaan, Makayla, Hosannah, Iavana
God bless,
Grade 5
Sunday School Grade 5 2012
Grade 4 Title Pages
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