Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet smelling

Grade 4:Imagine that everything you do in life produces a smell. That's right a smell. We're not talking about shampoo in your hair, perfume before coming to church. No we're talking about all the things you do. For example, you help someone in need - a nice smell is produced. You do something naughty - of no use to people - it sends off a bad smell. Interesting aye!
We learnt some new words too from the Bible. For example nice smell = a sweet smelling fragrance, bad smell = a 'stench'. This was a good follow on from our lesson the week before where we learnt about the rich fool who tried to store all his riches selfishly. We made the link with the fact that every time we do something we are building up our riches in God's store house in heaven. In this light we strive to do good things as it pleases God and it sends a 'sweet smelling fragrance' up to Him.
Here are some photos from an activity we did at the beginning of our lesson. We had to guess what it was we were smelling. Lamp and Natascha did very well and almost guessed all correctly. The rest of us had a great time watching and recording what they were made to smell. We couldn't wait to tell them what they were really smelling!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool idea! I hope you now have some good ideas of how to produce nice smells yourself. A very good way to remind ourselves of how our actions produce good or bad. Produce that beautiful fragrance kids!
    God bless

