Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bible Class comes to a close

Bible Class has had a wonderful year of in depth Bible Study, activities and learning experiences. This year has seen a steady group of committed members attend most Monday nights. Winter typically brings a drop in numbers, however this year a core group of members pushed past the desire to stay home and get to church every Monday.

Our closing evening was spent with one another as well as our minister Reverend Leiite Setefano. We were sharing about holidays and had Tama share with us about the passover festival and it's reason for being. A gift exchange was made between members and a delicious meal served provided by all the BC members.

Our annual prize giving went as follows:
Timothy Award (young up and coming): Nominees: Livingston,Rivalana, Kane and Zina. Winner: Zina
Merry Heart Award (always cheerful/warm to others):Nominees:Livingston,Josie,Marian and Masele. Winner:Masele
Most Improved Award: Nominees: Rivalana, Neta, Sione, Zina, Pamela. Winner: Sione
Most Encouraging Award: Nominees: Marian, Pareu, Masele,Faafeu. Winner:Pareu
Tafa'ipaia Award (all rounder - attendance, contributions,participation etc) Winner: Masele

The night following we went to watch the movie 'Courageous'. It's certainly a movie made by Christians with many strong messages, one being honour begins at home. We would strongly recommend for you to go and watch it. If you want to know more be sure to catch up with one of our BC members or click here to see the trailer. The picture you see we took after the movie. A word of thanks to our church family for your support and prayers for the youth in BC. They have undoubtedly helped us get through the year.

God bless you, be aware of the 'Snake Kings' ; )

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Touch, Pause and Engage

Following all the excitement from the Rugby World Cup this months family service was conducted by the dynamic Bible Class.  Touch, Pause and Engage was the theme of their service.

Thank you to all the talented leaders and members of the Bible Class for sharing such an important part of our christian life - to stay in touch and engaged with our Lord - through his Word and in Prayer.

May God continue to bless you all in your studies and in your work duties.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Congratulations Peneueta and Valentine!

Today Peneueta - one of our Sunday School teachers married Valentine. A beautiful ceremony took place at Tamaki PIPC in Glen Innes. Peneueta looked stunning alongside her groom, bridesmaids and groomsmen. A beautiful day for beautiful people. May God bless you both as you start this exciting part of your life together.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Club Talitha - November Night

Key verse tonight presented by Rona was
1 Corinthians 12:4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. 5 There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. 6 God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.

So how did we learn further about this? We had three stations set up.
1. Flax bouquets and arrangements with Pareu
2. Sketching the cross with shading techniques with Pamela
3. Making and baking of Pagi Popo with Pola
A night for the 'P' ladies indeed. From the same sources we ended up with different outcomes - different spiritual gifts but the same Spirit...

It was enjoyed by all the girls and ladies present. We've put together a slideshow to show you some of the fun we had. Thank you to Rona and the team - Pola, Pareu and Pamela. We loved the lesson and time we had together. We hope all our families got to enjoy the pagi popo that arrived home hot and ready with a cup of tea.
Bless you all church. Lots of love - Club Talitha.