Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Touch, Pause and Engage

Following all the excitement from the Rugby World Cup this months family service was conducted by the dynamic Bible Class.  Touch, Pause and Engage was the theme of their service.

Thank you to all the talented leaders and members of the Bible Class for sharing such an important part of our christian life - to stay in touch and engaged with our Lord - through his Word and in Prayer.

May God continue to bless you all in your studies and in your work duties.



  1. Well done BC! God in his goodness yet again took our small portions like that of the boy with his five loaves and 2 fish and made it enough to feed those who gathered. Thank you Lord, praise you in the highest! He's so so kind to us. A good reminder for us to take time to be with our Lord. Thanks for the blessings BC, thanks to the lovely comments too that came by way of families and friends who were present.

  2. Thanks to Ria and Helen who produced this movie for us. Bless you heaps.

  3. this was an awesome service :) congrats :D thanks bc ,

  4. Well done Bible class. may you continue to learn more about god and on sunday it was an outstanding perfomance the show was amazing and that i reckon everyone enjoyed it. Thank you for the outstanding perfomance. AMAZING
