Friday, September 21, 2012

The Word, cupcakes and children

Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  Yes indeed - sweet to the soul!

The Beginners and Grade 1 had a wonderful time making cupcakes - but wait there's more!  Alongside the fun task of baking and decorating were challenges to recite the books of the Bible in order and also a devotion based upon the verse quoted above.  Grades 11 and 12 were the teachers on hand this day and had the task of leading their small group of bakers.  It was an opportunity for these older students to get a taste of teaching.

At the end of the session it was clear that the lesson was a winner with the all members smiling and presenting their beautifully decorated cupcakes to their special person.

Special thanks to Pareu and Teiho for the organising and delivering this memorable lesson.  More fun times to come children!!


  1. Cupcakes in the house!!

    I tasted those cupcakes and they were really delicious and a touch of greatness. Thanks to Rina Xavier for giving me a nice treat.
    Keep being Kind!
    God Bless!

  2. This was such an awesome hands-on activity for our little ones to do! I loved that not only did they make & decorate but they were also encouraged to give them away!! So many lessons to be learnt within the 1 lesson. Awesome going teachers & A BIG BIG WELL DONE to our Beginners & Grade 1 children

  3. Wow! I bet you guys had a great time. And, thank you Xavier for giving me a delicious cupcake. That tasted GREAT!! I just wanted to have more. You guys are just superstars.
    Your cupcakes ROCKS!!!


  4. Yummy cupcakes I just wish if I had a taste but to bad. Wow Laki you should be teaching kids how to bake like me.
    If I tasted it I would want more.

  5. YUM!!!!
    Those cupcakes look delicious I bet they taste delicious two!!
    Thank you Cyrus for that cupcake it was delicious YUMMM!!!!!!!!!!!



    Looks delicious.Man wish I was there.Looks yummy as well.

    God bless all
