Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Grade 3 & 4 students have been learning about festivals.
Last Sunday we studied the American festival of Thanksgiving Day and the reason behind it.
Thanksgiving Day this year falls on Thursday 22nd November and was first celebrated in 1863 when the great American President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."
Thanksgiving Day is usually celebrated with a big meal (traditionally roast turkey) and thinking about the things we should be thankful for.

Here are my top 3 things I am thankful for.

1. God sent His son Jesus to die for me
2. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and good friends.
3. I have food in the cupboard and clean water to drink.

What are your top 3 things to be thankful for? Post on here and the best post will be awarded a prize on Sunday at the Grade 5, 6 & 7 family service. Entries will close at 10.00 am on Friday morning.
You must be there on Sunday to claim your prize.

Looking forward to your posts!


  1. Here are my top 3 things I am thankful for.

    1. God loving us so much that he gives us a bright hope and a great future through His Son, our Saviour - JESUS CHRIST
    2. That I am alive. That I have the use of both eyes to witness his beauty, both ears (maybe not at 100% but I can still hear) to listen to the funny stories family and friends share, a mouth to talk about Jesus and the impact He has made in my life, use of both legs, arms, & body to do his work even hair (although grey when not dyed LOL) Thank you Lord
    3. I live in a place where I have the freedom to praise and worship God with my family and others who also love God.

  2. Here are my top 3 things I am Thankful for.

    1.God loves me and another so much

    2.That God sent his son to die on the cross for all of our Sins!

    3.I live in a place where everyone loves me,adores me and cares for ME.

  3. Hey guys,

    It was really fun learning about the festivals.
    I think I know what festivals are.


  4. Hi Guys,

    My 1st thing I am thankful for is my family. For keeping me safe and secure at home with my family. God bless all and I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

    God bless

  5. hi everyone

    Here are the 3 things I am thankful for :

    1.I am thankful for my family mostly parents and siblings for always being a very helpful family.

    2. I am also thankful for all Talitha Cumi Leaders for the dinner last night at Waipuna it was very thoughtful of you to have a dinner.

    3. Last of all I am for my Sunday School Teachers for teaching Grade 3 & 4 everything I have had to know about feastivals.


  6. Hi Everyone here is my 3 favourite things about God.
    1. I thankyou Gd for my family who has givin mee staff for school or home.

    2. I am also thankyou for the Talitha Cumi club and our leaders for giving us every that they have done. I am soo sad that I had to miss the Talitha dinner on Wednesday night.

    3. Last of all my friends and my Sunday school teachers for teaching grade 3&4 about festival.

