Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Heart that Forgives

  This movie was shown in service after our children's address that looked at Joseph as a young boy through to being chucked in prison over Potiphar's wife's lie. Following this movie the class delivered a live performance of the following scene (we'll post this asap) The week following our scripture exams had the senior classes - grades 10-12 lead the morning service. It was a fun time acting and dressing up in costumes to tell the story of Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers. The students were willing at all times to learn their parts and do all they could to contribute. Your service was well received by your parish, as was shared over morning tea that followed the service. God's blessings upon this group of students, let his word be a light unto your paths.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome service, enjoyed the practises and filming in the green room haha awesome !
