Monday, June 29, 2009

A Night With Lapi Mariner

Tonight - 29th of June 2009, we were blessed with the presence of our brother Lapi Mariner. Many of you may know him as a professional singer, entertainer - a very humourous young man and much much more. For those of you who don't know - he's now the Worship Pastor for the Hosana World Harvest Church based in Manurewa.
His visit was timely as on this evening we also had a very exciting report from our very own worship team based on their weekend retreat that they had just returned from.
Lapi shared about his life so in the PIC, professional singer at the age of 16, TV appearances, travelling opportunities, his current work as a Prison Warden, Bible College and Worship Pastor.
Watch our short movie, it has some of the gems Lapi shared with us as well as him singing for us before we shared a light supper and a few laughs together. You could leave a comment for Lapi or Bible Class. Lapi will be visiting our blog to check out what we're up to.
Thanks Lapi for taking the time out to come and share with your PIC brothers and sisters. God bless you and your family.
Lots of love - Tamaki Bible Class


  1. Hey Lapi.

    Awesome catching up brother and hearing what you've been up to. I know you will have definitely inspired the members of our BC with your recount of how God called you to where you are today. Catch up soon - hopefully & prayerfully on the 28/08 and tell Eroni to expect a call from me soon....


  2. Talofa Lapi, what a great night we had together. You shared valuable stories with us, some of us were very interested in your singing career and others with your daily job as a prison warden and Worship Pastor. All roles that affect the well being of people - exactly what God has called us to do. Thanks for your encouraging words to all of us young and a little older. May God continue to bless you with the wisdom and knowledge you need to continue shining brightly for him.
    Alofa tele - O Andrea

  3. This was truely an awesome night, sitting here with Trinity listening to lapi sing. shes loving it too..shes reaching out trying to type a message.

    But it was awesome to be there and tell all about our awesome weekend and then listening to Lapi, share his experience and then sing for us.

    Love being back to BC, LOVE LOVE LOVE
