Saturday, March 10, 2012

Welcome to the Beginners Grade for 2012!

Welcome to the Beginners Grade for 2012!  This year the Beginners Grade will be sitting their first scripture exam.
The Beginners Grade is taught by Pareu and Rona.
Have a fantastic year.

God Bless


  1. All you people are growing so old and you guys are doing a really great jobs with your teachers, Pareu and Rona. I hope all of you will get %100 in your first scripture exams. KEEP UP YOUR GREAT EFFORT!

  2. Hi Beginners,
    That's so cool you are sitting your first exams. How exciting! I'm sure Rona & Pareu will prepare you well for them. Keep up your listening and writing skills

  3. That's really cool beginners, I'm sure you will get %100 as Lama say's keep up your listening and writing skills.

    Keep it up.:)

  4. Hello beginner

    Well you guys are looking very good in your classes.So I hope you guys are doing very well this year.Try hard in the Sunday school exams!!!!!!


  5. Hey Beginners

    The set of kids this year in grade one are awesome. I Know that you guy's and gall's will try hard this year to get a place in the exams. But the key thing to a good life and to be successful is to have faith and to be humble to your parents.

    Good luck and God bless you for this year.

    Note: Please check ou my blog. On Pt England school in Blogs, Room 17 Then click Esrah . Or just click on my name.

    Thank you
