Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday School Exams

A great big hand for all the children who sat the New Zealand Sunday School Union exams today. The children arrived around 8.30am buzzing ready to sit. A positive vibe was in the air, no doubt the Lord delighted in all children spending time in His word to prepare. Well done kids, studying God's word certainly pleases our Lord. Your commitment to study and prepare yourselves He notices. Pray that you all get the results you aimed for and that in all things, regardless of your placing - God will be given all the glory. Work hard this week, remember Abraham, Caleb, Joshua, Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. How they walked by FAITH. GOD BLESS!! Lotsa love from all your teachers xxx


  1. Hi guys who sat the exam,

    I was so nerves on the day but then the Lord gave me faith that would do my best no matter what place I come and it worked!So praise the Lord Almighty God!!!!

    Thank you Jesus!I love u!

    God bless all!

    1. Thank you for doing your best Senila, God is surely pleased with your efforts and the efforts of everyone who sat the exam.

    2. Well done Senila. I hope you enjoyed the exam. I know that you have worked hard in class and have studied hard at home so I am sure you will do well but most importantly the Lord is pleased!

    3. Hi Senila,

      It is so awesome to hear that you put your faith and trust in God - like during exam time, because God answers prayers. The bible says, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you will move mountains. Isn't God good!

      Keep the Faith Senila!
      God Bless you!

    4. Hi Nilla and others,I did!! it was tough work but I think I did alright
      Well not really,I think I put in a little bit of Lesson 5 into Lesson 4 Opssie :I.

  2. “Study to show thyself approved unto God...”
    Well done Tamaki Sunday School! Hope to see you all on Sunday for a day of fun activities and morning tea from us teachers to you our awesome students.

  3. To all you wonderful children and young people who sat the exams, thank you for your courage, determination and faithfulness in doing this service not only for your church, your parents, yourself but for our God. Whatever the results will be God is pleased that you use the opportunity to learn about some faith heroes of the Bible. Children remember to follow the instructions Joshua left for Israel:
    1. Obey the book of the law of Moses (for us that our word)
    2. Be faithful
    3. Love the Lord your God.

    Have a blessed and wonderful week and we will see you this Sunday.

    Love you all


  4. To all students who sat the exam....Well Done...

    To the best class...yes the Beginners's been a honour to work with you and help you to get ready for your first exam.I know that you all tried your best and hardest and that's all that God wants us to do. Our best for Him. I pray that you keep coming to Sunday School so that you may learn about the great and wonderful things that our Lord has done for us and also provided for us. Keep smiling...Lots of Love
    Teachers of the Beginners Grade
    Pareu & Rona

  5. Congratulations to all our awesome students who participated in the Scripture Union Exams. I have really enjoyed learning the lessons together with my sons, and my daughters who are are 4 and 2 years old have had great fun learning the memory verses too.

    Thank you Jesus, for the word that gives us faith, hope, love - a purpose in life. It is my prayer as a parent, that our children never forget his scriptures and may it be your guide and light through life's journey.

    Continue the great work children, you are a blessing, a gift from God.
    Love Soteria

  6. Well done to all our exam sitters for 2012! It was great to see you all excited, nervous, warm but keen to attack this years exam. Especially to our beginners grade who sat their first ever exam. Looking forward to the second half of the year with our awesome Sunday School.
    Take care and God's blessings!

  7. That was a hard exams. No matter what you come at least you tried your best.

    I hope everyone is happy with what they have done.

    God Bless!

  8. Hi guys,

    I just want to thank all the teachers for helping us to learn more about all the lessons we learnt. For the Sunday School exams, the time was a bit challenging for me. What about you? Anyway, do your best at all things no matter what!!

    God Bless!!

  9. Hello Sunday school kids,
    I really want to thank Lama, Leni , Bob and all the other teachers for helping us with our studies, may God bless you all.

    I felt the exams quite challenging as Hosannah said, again I want to thank all the teachers especially Lama, who has been pushing me up that mountain, any time Lama lets go of me I fall all the way back down and she is there to push me back up that mountain, thank you. I really learned a lot about God and Abraham.

    1. Hi Julia.
      What lovely comments you have made.
      It was a pleasure for your teachers to help you.
      The studying you did was not easy but we know you gave it your all.
      God will bless you richly if you continue to serve him with the same effort you showed during our coaching classes.

      God bless you.

      From Bob & your teachers

    2. Hi Julia,
      Yes, I'm sure you're happy the exams are over. It was a lot of hard work and it was good to see you put 110% every time. Remember we still have the second half of the year to continue to learn more about God's word. I'm really looking forward too. Blessings

  10. Hi Kids,

    A belated but BIG congratulations to you all for completing your exams for 2012.

    Special congratulations to our Beginners Grade who I noticed on the day, were full of energy, and excitement. Pretty good for first-timers!!

    The teachers know how hard you have all tried and we are 110% sure that you will all receive marks that you will be very proud of.

    Keep up the fantastic work for the rest of the year and keep smiling.

    God bless you all.

  11. I'm so glad I finished the exams I feel like I already got first place yiipee!!!!!!
    I'd like to thank my teachers Logo and emma inclueding all my friends in my class.I'd also like to thank every teacher for all the help and support they've givin us in our exams.Also like to thank the cooks for the yummy food they plated for us children. I'm so happy there is so many things to thank about.

    thank you every one most off all "TEACHERS"

  12. Hi Guys,As Etta said "I'm so glad Exams is finished,though I miss playing around with my friends and having a little talk while the older classes were finishing,But other than that I'd like to thank all the teachers for being really helpful in the Exams,I'd also like to thank the cooks as Etta said also " Like to thank the cooks in the kitchen and thank them for keeping us warm and full.
    God Bless Everyone who come to Sunday School and the rest of the people at Church.

  13. Wow look at you amazing people and your comments so far! Well done church family! Exams were a lot of fun, hard work...but after sitting doesn't it feel so good to know you've committed to memory God's word?! Awesome isn't it! Even at my age - 37 ;) exams help me to pay close attention to His word. I know it would be the same for you too. Keep working hard team in all that you do daily. It's now the wonderful opportunity to use all that you've learnt and use it day by day. God bless and strengthen you all to be as generous as Boaz and as honest, trusting and faithful as Ruth, confident and Mr Super Attitude can you describe the other people we studied?? Go on and reply :) xx

  14. Hello Exam sitters,

    I think that you all have done well on exams and that you may learn more and keep in mind that you have to have faith in everything you do.May you continue to be blessed by his holy name and that we may keep up the good work we are doing at school, at home,or at work.

    Keep it up!!!

  15. Hello Exam people
    How was your guys Exam I hope you guys knew what you guys were doing because I knew what I was doing. Wish you guys all the best.
