Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tamaki Teachers Retreat Take 2

Today - Saturday 25th August 2012, our Sunday School Teachers gathered at Pt England School to have a good time sharing and learning about ways we can help our students and their families in our ministry as Sunday School Teachers.

A time of singing was led by Bob then devotion time with Ray.  Ray's devotion had us sharing about teaching or truths that we now live by - by way of our parents teachings/witness to us.  Some amazing stories were told.  Then a time of learning some effective ways to deliver lessons.  This part was led by Teiho.  Part of this was the task of coming with an aim and objective for teaching using an item that Teiho gave you.  Some very creative ideas...  All you need is a bit of imagination, resources in your immediate surrounding really can be used in teaching!

Ria shared about this very blog that has been in operation since 2009.  It's benefits and far reaching ministry through this online space.  We heard the voice of students who shared about the blessing of receiving comments on posts and work produced by themselves.  Lesson to take from this?? Sunday School is not limited to the hour and a half located on Sunday - it's accessible 24hrs 7 days a week!  So let's use this space well!  It was encouraging to hear that one of our teachers actually has our blog page as her home page ;)

We put our minds together and thought forward to students who are going to travel through our Sunday School...we were to make a list that answered the question: 'What do we want them to possess when they come to the end of Sunday School?'  Many many ideas were shared and so the planning began.  In departments we used the lists we made to pick out what we thought would be appropriate to teach and learn about the identified tools/knowledge/practices.

So where did we get to?  We now have a curriculum developing from 0 years through to the open class.  One where we will refine and shape under the guidance of Tama and our Sunday School leaders.  God willing - 2013 will be kicked off with another retreat for all our teachers with a Tamaki Custom made curriculum in hand.


  1. Wow parents u must of lernt and DONE a lot today!!!!
    that is good to hear that there was sharing and learning how u can help your students and families in your ministry as teachers!!!
    whehhh that was a lot of reading for me wow that ment it was a hard day.

    Teachers I hope u know now how to help all chrildren in each and every class.

    1. Thank you Norietta for the encouragement. Yes we have done a lot and there is still a lot more to do but you know what we enjoy it because we love all you children and we love God.

      God Bless


  2. HI Norietta! Yes we had a good day of learning! Yes and I hope that we will be better at helping children of all ages too. Thanks to the teachers who made this such a special day - great progress made today for the direction of our ministry together. God bless all the children and young adults of our parish. May we keep striving to invest in one another as God has called us to. Mark 2:17: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

  3. Awww how sweet Etta! Yes, we came away with a great plan in place for the future of all our children and some neat ideas of how we can make learning about God fun for you and your friends!

    Truelly a great day of reflection, sharing, spiritual feeding, appreciation, encouragement, laughter and delicious kai!

    No doubt God would be pleased with the final products rolling off our proposed 'production line'. Well done team and thanks for reminding me the importance of our roles in the time we have with our children in class/at church.

  4. Hello Teachers,
    It looks like all of you guys had fun. That was cool how Lama hit the target and Leni telling us about the measuring tape. I like my Sunday school teacher Ray, hopefully we get to have a childrens retreat.

    1. Hi Raleen

      Thanks for the post. Its not too late to put in a children's retreat for Sunday School :)

      God Bless


  5. Hello Teachers,
    Looked like you all had a wonderful day at Pt England School and Church.
    Bob and Emma (My mother and Father) told My Sister and I the retreat was so fun!! So we believed them.
    One Day I want to become a Sunday School Teacher and teach the children about Jesus and how he did things when we weren't born, and also I can go to THE RETREAT!!
    So hopefully we all know that God will always love us no matter what we do.
    So God Bless all the people reading my post and The Teachers also Tama and Tina and the other adults and children at our church :)

    1. I hope & pray you become a Sunday School teacher one day too Galatia, how pleasing to God to read & know such things. What a delight. I hope you will listen very carefully to all your Sunday School teachers & the lessons they have to teach as this will help you one day to be a great knowledgable teacher in the future to your students. keep praying & reading the bible as this too will help you also to be a great Sunday Sch teacher.

      By the way yes the retreat was awesome, the sharing of great ideas by those who attended & planning the vision, Gods vision for Tamaki PIPC Sunday School.

      God Bless

    2. Hi Tia

      What a blessing to have children speak about how they would love to serve God and become a Sunday School Teacher, you must have wonderful parents that have been a good example to you. I pray that the work we do now in Sunday School would create a path that will make it some what easier in making the commitment to teaching his word to others.

      Have a blessed and joyful week

      God Bless


  6. BIG BELATED THANKS to the organisers of the retreat! Was really awesome listening, sharing and contributing to the future of our Sunday school! Good to see the nieces taking an interest too in what the teachers are doing - Ka Pai girls :) Was all eager and ready for my fathers day lesson with my class...but no kids haha oh well definitely looking forward to this weeks lesson.
    Wishing everyone a blessed week.

  7. There really is nothing more encouraging than knowing our children's leaders/mentors/teachers are gathering to refresh their approach to the Christian education in our church community! Exciting stuff! God grow you all and revive the flame that is already being kept alight in your willingness to grow in Christ Jesus.
